Key vocabulary:

Hapa Haole: means "part white and part Hawaiian", where English lyrics are dedicated to Hawaiian themes.                      
Slack Key: guitar with loosened strings.

Related image  Image result for slack key hawaiian Steel Guitar: a guitar with metal strings by sliding a metal bar over the fretted neck. Image result for steel guitar

Ukelele: an unmistakable sound from a fretted four-stringed instrument. Today there are ukuleles with eight or nine strings.

Image result for ukulele  Image result for ukuleleImage result for ukulele player
Falsetto: a popular vocal style using a singing technique that produces sounds pitched higher than the singer's normal range.

Jawaiian: Jamaican sounds molded with a unique Hawaiian touch.
Image result for jawaiian

Contemporary: Today's original Hawaiian music that frequently mixes popular Hawaiian and English lyrics.

Traditional: authentic lyrics sung in Hawaiian usually set to slack-key guitar, steel guitar or ukulele.
Image result for traditional hawaiian music

Chants: chanting was a ritual in ancient Hawaii as a means of preserving history, honoring deities and organizing genealogies. Chanting can be heard today either stand alone, set to music, or accompanied by an ipu (gourd drum) or pahu (sharkskin drum).
Image result for hawaiian chant


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