
Showing posts from May, 2019
Welcome to a Hawaiian Traditional and Modern Music Blog! Thank you for showing interest in learning more about Hawaiian music, dance, and chant and how these art forms have made the Hawaiian culture accessible, endearing, fun and relaxing! The Hawaiian style says vacation, relax, and have fun! Enjoy!
Native Hawaiian Music: Mele - chant ipu heke - a double gourd drum pahu - sharkskin covered drum ipu - single gourd drum 'ili'ili - waterworn lava stone castanets 'uli'uli - feathered gourd rattles pu'li - split bamboo sticks kala'au - rhythm sticks Specific Hawaiian Dances : kahiko - older, formal kind hula 'auana - modern hula Specific Hawaiian chants : 'oli - religious chants. When accompanied by dancing and drums, its called mele hula pahu
Youtube Hawaiian Music Video Links:                   What It Takes to be a Hula Champion                 Official Somewhere over the Rainbow Israel Kamakawiwo                      Jake Shimabukoro: Over The Rainbow              Beautful Hula/ Polynesian Dancers                  Hawaiian Kahiko Hula: Sonny Ching "O Ke Ahi.."                Hawaiian instruments, instrumenty hawajskie                 Hawaiian Dance and Music  Instruments: Hawaiian                    Jake Shimabukuro "Passport" 
Traditional/ Modern Music: Slack- Key Guitar : Spanish and Mexican cowboys who worked on the numerous cattle ranches throughout Hawaii introduced the guitar to the islands. They brought a playing style that influenced the development of  kî hô 'alu (slack-key guita r) . They   say that the art of the slack-key guitar is to Hawaii' as the flamenco guitar is to Spain and the Delta blues guitar is to Mississippi. Slack-key guitar music is a uniquely Hawaiian synthesis of traditional Hawaiian vocal styles with elements of Western music. In slack-key guitar, the six strings are loosened or "slackened" to produce an open chord when strummed. This remarkable and creative style is traditionally learned by imitation, without tablature or scores.    Falsetto Singing :  Hawaiian music emphasizes the voice. Many Hawaiian songs feature falsetto, called leo ki'eki'e , a term coined in Hawaiian in 1973. Falsetto singing, most often used by men, extends the singer
Traditional Hawaiian Chant Music: Himeni: Western string instruments and Christian hymns, or himeni , introduced to Hawaii in the nineteenth century, transformed earlier forms of Hawaiian music and provided ingredients for new musical forms. In 1820, Congregationalist missionary Hiram Bingham introduced "Singing schools" at the site of Kawaiaha'o Church on O'ahu island. He taught native Hawaiians Western music and hymnody. These "singing schools" emphasized congregational singing with everyone actively participating, not just passively listening to a designated choir. The Reverend Bingham and others composed Hawaiian hymns from previous melodies, sometimes borrowing an entire tune, using Protestant hymn styles. In spite of the use of English throughout Hawaii, the Hawaiian language continues to be used in Bible reading and in the singing of  hîmeni (hymns) in many Christian churches. Himeni still preserve the beauty of the Hawaiian language.           
Hawaiian Traditional Instruments: kâ`eke `eke : made of bamboo pipes or tubes of varying lengths, this instrument is played by holding it vertically and tapping it on the ground or a mat kuolokani- large ancient timbrel drum. nî `au kan  : a harp made of thin wood    nîau  (coconut midrib).  `ohe hano ihu : a nose-flute made of bamboo that was played to accompany chants, but more popularity for romantic serenades.  pahu  : this large drum is the most important in the performance of the hula. The base of most of these drums are made from either a hollowed out coconut or breadfruit tree, and the head of the drum out of shark skin.  pahu pa`i : also a shark skin drum used during the performance of the hula. papa hehi : a foot-board that is danced on. pû  : the shell of a large triton conch or helmet shell that is used as a ceremonial trumpet. It's loud sound has been know to reach over two miles and is produced in the manner in which it is blown, n
Key vocabulary: Hapa Haole : means "part white and part Hawaiian", where English lyrics are dedicated to Hawaiian themes.                       Slack Key : guitar with loosened strings.    Steel Guitar : a guitar with metal strings by sliding a metal bar over the fretted neck.  Ukelele : an unmistakable sound from a fretted four-stringed instrument. Today there are ukuleles with eight or nine strings.    Falsetto : a popular vocal style using a singing technique that produces sounds pitched higher than the singer's normal range. Jawaiian : Jamaican sounds molded with a unique Hawaiian touch. Contemporary : Today's original Hawaiian music that frequently mixes popular Hawaiian and English lyrics. Traditional : authentic lyrics sung in Hawaiian usually set to slack-key guitar, steel guitar or ukulele. Chants : chanting was a ritual in ancient Hawaii as a means of preserving history, honoring deities and organizing genealogies. Chanting can b